The BDBMC works tirelessly to make Martin County’s economic future as bright as possible by uniting leadership around one mission: championing and strengthening our local economy. Generating job creation, growing tax base, improving economic well-being, and enhancing our community’s vibrancy and quality of life benefits every person and business that calls Martin County home. Additionally, our efforts to improve the business climate and advocate for more business-friendly policies and investments benefit firms already here.
During any disaster, whether natural, economic, or man-made, the BDB is ready to help Martin County businesses navigate the local, regional, state, and national resources to help ensure preparedness, continuity, and recovery to full business operations.
Call 772.221.1380 or email with your questions or needs, and monitor the Martin County website and BDB’s Facebook and LinkedIn social feed for the latest information.
Florida Jobs has a number of resources designed to help businesses be prepared for any disaster that may come and recover quickly.
In partnership with the SBA, America’s SBDC Resiliency Guide is also an excellent source of information on how to help small businesses prepare, recover, and thrive after a disaster.
Below are some additional resources from FloridaMakes for manufacturers to ensure storm readiness, resilience, and quick recovery after a disaster.
To report an ADA accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please contact the BDBMC ADA Coordinator (772) 221-1380, Florida Relay 711, or complete our Accessibility Feedback Form. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate all needs.