The 2023 Annual Report is published with remarks from Dan Hudson, interim executive director.


More than 12 years have passed since my official retirement from local government. Like many other retirees, I’ve found myself busier than ever and still serving the community that many of us love for its numerous attributes. Its entrepreneurial spirit, natural beauty, coastal lifestyle, exceptional quality of life, and rich culture of caring for others are why we love it and why others find it compelling.

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to help guide the Business Development Board through a crucial leadership transition. This role has allowed me to witness firsthand an organization that is deeply committed to the success and resilience of Martin County. It’s an organization that listens to the business community, unites everyone in economic development, and is dedicated to building a stronger, more vibrant, and resilient economy for all.

Here are some notable highlights:

A laser-like focus on Martin County’s legacy industries.  Aviation, marine, energy, and light manufacturing continue to accelerate. The BDB team works directly with C-suite executives and industry leaders, building confidence in our community and gaining new insight. 

Continuing efforts to bring together all facets of the community. We are creating events and forums on common ground where leaders and policymakers can work to solve common concerns.  By tapping into our network of investors, partners, and affiliates, the BDB assists by brokering introductions, providing referrals, and making valuable connections that did not previously exist.

The local business environment is ready, willing, and able. With select facilities such as South Florida Gateway, Newfield Workplace District, Martin Commerce Park, Martin Triangle, and Sunrise Grove all coming online, Martin offers a range of investment opportunities for companies seeking to relocate.  Our unique quality of life really does make a difference, and we are strategically positioned to bring more investors and higher-wage jobs.

A special thank you goes to our Board Members and volunteers who contribute many hours of their personal time with the common goal of strengthening our local economy.  Thanks also to our partners and investors, without whom none of this would be possible. 


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