When was the last time you were driving and stopped to ask someone for directions? No, neither Siri nor Alexa count.
The once-common joke (or maybe it was just an observation) about men preferring to risk getting hopelessly lost rather than suffering the indignity of stopping for directions was made extinct in a generation. We’ve had GPS on our phones since 2008. Today, no matter the distance of the road trip, we confidently rely on technology for turn-by-turn instructions to our desired destination.
But even in the age of AI, you can’t count on tech alone to ensure your business is on track and headed in the right direction. You must make regularly scheduled stops to take stock of where you’ve been and clarify where you’re going. Recently, the Business Development Board of Martin County undertook this essential task.
Our board of directors—composed of representatives of core industries, partner organizations, at-large positions and county and municipal liaisons—focused on the fundamentals, freshening key guiding organizational positions to read:
Vision statement: To foster a strong Martin County economy characterized by a diversity of businesses with a growing and sustainable tax base.
Mission statement: To lead economic development by supporting local contributory businesses, attracting investment, and fostering job creation.
The revised statements crystalize the BDB’s commitment to supporting existing businesses and creating a resilient and thriving environment for high-wage job creation, industry leaders and contributory businesses.
“Contributory” describes local businesses and industries that derive the majority of their revenue from outside the local economy. Martin County is fortunately home to several top-tier light manufacturers. Many have customers around the world.
By working closely with such companies, the BDB grows to understand the challenges they face and assist however possible.
For some time now we’ve been working with Martin County manufacturers regarding a mandated cybersecurity certification. Its compliance requirements pose unique challenges to smaller companies. So, we’ve teamed with our partners at CareerSource, South Florida Manufacturers Association, Florida Makes and CyberFlorida to coordinate resources and advocacy efforts—hopefully in time securing additional sources of capital to alleviate the pressures on our local small manufacturers’ bottom lines.
In recent discussions with local commercial real estate experts, we gained insights into the distinctions among the various industrial sites coming onto the market. Now, during our regular Pulse visits with local employers, we can help them remain aware of the options available to accommodate their expansion needs.
By sharpening our vision and mission statements, our board of directors not only provided precise guidance to staff, they encouraged and challenged each other, reaching consensus over their shared priorities and increasing understanding along the way.