Business community leader sought for an open at-large board seat.


The Business Development Board of Martin County is seeking a business community leader for an open, at-large board seat. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, February 19.

Founded in 1991, The Business Development Board of Martin County (BDB) is a 501(c)6 not-for-profit economic development corporation whose vision and mission statements are:

Vision statement:   To foster a strong Martin County economy characterized by a diversity of businesses with a growing and sustainable tax base.

Mission statement: To lead economic development by supporting local contributory businesses, attracting investment, and fostering job creation.

As a public-private partnership, the BDB is funded by the Martin County Board of County Commissioners (through a multi-year services agreement) and local businesses, entities, and institutions, which make annual contributions and support economic development events and activities through sponsorships.

To learn more about the BDB, visit

Expectations of the Board as a Whole

As the highest leadership body of the organization and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the board is responsible for

  • determining the mission and purposes of the organization
  • selecting and evaluating the performance of the Executive Director
  • strategic and organizational planning
  • ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management
  • fundraising and resource development
  • approving and monitoring the BDB’s programs and services
  • enhancing the BDB’s public image
  • assessing its performance as the governing body of the BDB

Additionally, the BDB Board governs itself in the “sunshine,” and each Director is expected to adhere to the State of Florida’s Sunshine Laws and Public Records Act.


Expectations of Individual Board Members

Each board member is expected to:

  • know the organization’s mission, policies, programs, and needs
  • read and understand the organization’s financial statements
  • serve as active advocates and ambassadors for the organization and fully engage in identifying and securing partnerships necessary for the BDB to advance its mission
  • leverage connections, networks, and resources to help the BDB influence economic policies, programs, and activities
  • participate in annual Board initiatives that seek to advance the BDB’s business plan
  • prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in board meetings
  • follow the organization’s bylaws, policies, and board resolutions
  • sign an annual conflict-of-interest disclosure and update it during the year, if necessary, as well as disclose potential conflicts before meetings and actual conflicts during meetings
  • maintain confidentiality about BDB prospect-client matters, as needed


Each Board Member’s term is two years and becomes effective October 1 unless the Board Member completes a term for an open position.

Meetings and Attendance

Generally, BDB Board of Directors meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Children’s Services Council of Martin County. Regular and consistent attendance is expected so that community interests provided by the Board Members can be represented.

For more information about serving as a Board Member of the BDB, contact William T. Corbin, Executive Director, at 772.221.1380 or or complete the digital application form.




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